Teacher/Evangelists need ministry partners just like missionaries do. Your partnership will help Wes continue to travel America to stir and revive local churches. Whatever heavenly rewards are generated by his work, you’ll receive rewards for partnering with him.
Another benefit is that it locks you into Wes’s own spiritual growth. Each monthly message will contain new ways of applying the Bible to our daily lives. Wes will do the research, study and prayer and prepare an encouraging message that will help you keep growing in your character and anointing.
His unique teaching gifts and years of experience help him make profound truths easy to understand, easy to remember and easy to apply. Why not invest in your own spiritual growth?
What Do I Receive For Giving Monthly
A newsletter and sermon notes can be mailed to you for just $1.00 a month.
Most people prefer getting an audio CD along with the 8 pages of detailed notes and the newsletter. This costs $5 a month. Anything you send back to Gospel Net Ministries above these basic costs will be a charitable gift and you’ll receive a receipt for all giving at the end of the year.
You’ll receive your monthly Partner Packet about the third week of every month. Enclosed with the audio CD will be an envelope addressed to Gospel Net Ministries with your return address already on it. You can send back $5 or something more, as you desire. If you move or want to have the mailings stop, please notify us.
If you would like to become one of our monthly partners please fill out our form below and we will send you your monthly partner packet.