Dear friends, Every person of prayer should be praying about the Corona Virus epidemic in China that threatens to be a world-wide pandemic. Today, Feb. 6, 2020 China had the highest death toll of any day, 76 people. You can google UPDATE ON CORONA VIRUS and get the up to the hour news. The official stats from China are greatly UNDER reported. It’s far worse than their government says. BUT I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU AS TO HOW TO PROTECT YOUR OWN FAMILY.

Several years ago I had an outbreak of SHINGLES. When I was a kid I nearly died from German Measles. That virus reappeared as shingles. A very painful skin eruption happened on one of my shoulders. I took a product called SilverSol internally (ionic silver solution) and used their silver product cream and rubbed that on the outbreak. Some people suffer for months from painful singles—but my pain stopped immediately and the outbreak was completely GONE after three days and has never returned.

Nano-silver is a great improvement over older silver products. It’s way more effective. If you scroll down the home page at you’ll see a video where an artist draws while someone speaks. That really explains how the silver particles steal electrons from viruses and cause them to disintegrate. I’ll liken your immune system to soldiers on the ground and SilverSol with the nano silver something like the airforce coming in. It’s tremendous support to your immune system. These products also work as sanitizers, and can also kill bacteria and fungus. BURNS—WOW. Best stuff ever to put on a burn. The company that makes these outstanding products is American Biotech. They have granted our ministry, GOSPEL NET MINISTRIES affiliate marketing status. Go to to view their products and read about how powerful they are in destroying viruses and bad bacteria. Use this code to get a 25% discount, GOSPELNET25. You’ll get 25% off, and our ministry will get 10% of the sale as a commission for the referral. The VIEW CART is at the top right corner—partially covered by a Canadian maple Leaf. They’ll be fixing that. View C shows—click on that to check out. At the bottom left of the checkout page is a place to put your CODE FOR DISCOUNT. That’s where you type in GOSPELNET25 and get a 25% discount. Gospel Net will get 10% of your order and we’ll use it to buy our book, 21 WAYS TO FORGIVE for chaplains in America’s prisons and county jails.

We discovered that chaplains in prisons love my book 21 WAYS TO FORGIVE and many want large quantities to use as they minister to the largest prison population in the world—that’s right, our USA prison population is the largest in the WORLD. But chaplains have no budget for buying books like this. However, you can sponsor a chaplain. We discount these books to $4 each. for $108 you can supply 25 books with $8 shipping. Your orders through, using our code GOSPELNET25 will give us additional funds we can use to place hundreds, perhaps thousands more books into the hands of grateful chaplains.

Finally, because the silver solutions are not made by big drug companies, they are largely overlooked as being an answer for these disastrous plagues. American Biotech has many scientific papers showing how the silver solution can help a person with HIV infection to get a rebuilt immune system, how it helped people recover from Sars, the more deadly Corona virus that scared the world a few years back. That virus killed 10% of everyone who caught it but was STOPPED by the silver product.

SO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY AND HELP OUR MINISTRY all at the same time. By the way, SilverSol works to help you avoid or recover from the flu. It’s anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

PRAY DAILY for government leaders around the world. Already many industries are suffering—such as cruise lines, airlines, and probably Chinese restaurants. The summer Olympics, scheduled for Japan will probably have to be cancelled or moved to a different country. I pray that Israel will be used to develop a vaccine. I pray that God will be glorified SOME HOW through all of this. I pray for boldness for the church to declare eternal life through Jesus, because everyone eventually dies—if not from this plague from something else sooner or later.

Also, the Communist Government in China rules mainly by fear, rather than by love. Many reports are filtering out that the Chinese Communists are vastly underestimating the death rate and rates of infection. Those who try to post videos of dead bodies are arrested. I think only a government based on love and truth would have the power to effectively conquer this crisis. How can a government that rules by fear and deception do the job? Why couldn’t the wonderful Chinese people BE FREED from tyranny? There’s lots to pray about.

Remember— and use the code GOSPELNET25 for a 25% discount on what I believe is your best protection against the novel 2019 Corona Virus. LOVE YOU ALL, WES

PS The flu is a virus, and has killed 10,000 approximately in the USA this year. Protect your family with these outstanding silver products that destroy viruses.

Wes Daughenbaugh