Today I learned that Chinese Scientists discovered the asian anteater called a Pangolin, carries a virus naturally that is 99% like the Corona virus. This endangered species is considered a delicacy in China. The thinking is that the pangolin is the SOURCE of the Corona Virus epidemic/pandemic. God’s ancient wisdom on clean and unclean foods is found in two chapters of the Bible, Lev. 11 and Deut. 14. I’ve followed these instructions since I was 19. If you eat unclean foods, it will not defile your spirit—but you surely might get a very nasty virus! MERS was a virus found in a camel. SARS came from people eating Civet cats. Ebola came from people eating bats. Now, apparently, Corona Virus comes from people eating Pangolins (Asian Anteaters).

I’ve been raising funds to put our book 21 WAYS TO FORGIVE into the hands of chaplains. My concern for American prisons and jails got me wondering how prisons would deal with an outbreak of a virus 20 times more deadly than the flu? What prison infirmary could possibly handle such an outbreak? I think about the “re-education camps” in China where over a million Muslims are held prisoner. Cruise ships are a closed environment, like a prison. One cruise ship that is quarantined in a Japanese harbor has found that 61 passengers have the virus! People shut up together like the cruise ships—and like prisons and jails—remind me of the old “like shooting fish in a barrel” saying. It must be easy for a virus to reek havoc in such an environment.

I felt comforted when our ministry was granted affiliate status with If you go to that website and scroll down the front page you will find a video that shows an artist drawing and a voice explaining that nano-silver destroys viruses of all kinds by robbing them of electrons so that they disintegrate.

Use the code GOSPELNET25 and you’ll get a 25% discount, and our ministry will get 10% of the sale, which we’ll use to buy books we’ll give to chaplains. I have soul-winning materials—a great booklet and tract, but I’ve never given those to chaplains before. With a stream of funds we could do so much for those in prisons.

PRAY that China would be delivered from enslavement to communism and that freedom of speech and freedom of religion would come to China. Oh—and please don’t eat bats, civet cats, camels or pangolins. Blessings to you. Wes

Wes Daughenbaugh