DVD - 21 Ways To Forgive

DVD - 21 Ways To Forgive


Would you like to help others overcome bitterness, unforgiveness and the related “cousins”—self-pity, sadness, victim mentality, irritability, grudges and rage? This DVD and the corresponding book will help you mature in Christ while you help others overcome. Wes Daughenbaugh is an anointed teacher of God’s Word, who by God’s grace makes profound things simple to understand and easy to remember with crystal clear ways to apply. His unique teaching style features imaginative drawings that help the readers and viewers SEE their answers as well as HEAR them. The imagery of the artwork and Wes’s clear explanations are arranged into short “chapters” so that you can stop the DVD, discuss and pray, and restart it at your convenience. The nine reasons we must forgive will motivate the viewers to truly forgive. The twenty-one different tools and techniques of forgiveness will help them get the job done right! 

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